As domestic companions our pets rely on us to understand and protect them to the best of our ability. This obviously includes helping them to maintain good physical health. That’s one reason why we emphasize good diet and nutrition so much at The Critters & Me. Providing good nutrition and exercise go a long way in keeping our pets as healthy and happy as possible. But there are also things that promote healthy pets simply by avoiding them whenever possible. From our perspective over-vaccinating falls into this latter category. It is up to us as pet owners to really understand the pros and cons of vaccinations and know what it really necessary and useful as opposed to what is not or is even detrimental. This is the reason that we continually pass on information on this subject as we come across it.
Today we would like to offer another article from Dogs Naturally Magazine entitled “Dog Vaccines: What Every Vet (and Dog Owner) Should Know” by Dana Scott, Editor in Chief of Dogs Naturally Magazine. The article is not based on speculation but on facts and what is known about the level and duration of immunity provided by vaccines. She sites findings and recommendations by the AAHA (American Animal Hospital Association) and AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) as well as research findings over the last 40 years. Many of these recommendations and findings are in direct conflict with current veterinary practices. For instance, in a duration of immunity study conducted under FDA federal standards, Nobivac 3-Rabies vaccine was found to still be effective after 3 years, putting in question the recommendation to vaccinate annually. (See back of vaccine label below). Veterinary care for our animals is not that much different from health care for ourselves. All doctors and veterinarians have our and our pets’ best interest at heart. But none of them are infallible or capable of knowing all the possible options at any given time. That is why it is so important for us to know and understand our animals so that we may participate in any decision process that is required. As health care becomes more complicated and costly, abdicating in the decision making process of what is best for us or our pets is not a viable option. We need to understand side effects when dealing with pharmacological treatments, we need to understand what the options or alternatives are and we need to be convinced that the decisions made are appropriate for us and our pets. Vaccines have their place but they also come with serious potential side effects and consequences. If you understand these and all your options you can avoid placing your pet in harm’s way. You have options to repeated, unnecessary vaccinations. You can test for immunity prior to administering any vaccine or booster with titer tests and you can choose mercury-free vaccines rather than ones known to contain toxic levels of mercury.
Do yourself and your pet a favor, read this article, print it out, ask questions before you allow your pet to be vaccinated unnecessarily and participate in the decision making process. We live in challenging, fast paced times where decisions are not always based on what is in the best interest of all. All too often health and well being decisions are not based on facts or common sense but rather on what is expedient and economically viable for one party or the other. Don’t be pressured into doing something that could have lasting undesirable effects for you and your pet.
Click on the link below to go the article: